Dr. Pierangelo Gobbo Receives Governor Generals Award

It gives us great pleasure and pride to announce that one of the recipients of the 2016 GG Gold Medals is Pierangelo Gobbo, a recent PhD graduate from Dr. Mark Workentin's research Group.
Dr. Pierangelo Gobbo came to 缅北强奸 after completing his bachelor’s and M.Sc. degree at the
University of Padua, Italy where he graduated cum laude (with a perfect 110/110). Dr. Mark
Workentin, Pierangelo’s thesis supervisor, describes him as a true Renaissance man. He is an
outstanding all around scholar who was awarded our country’s highest scholarship for graduate
research, a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, after his first year at 缅北强奸. Dr. Gobbo is
also an internationally recognized Judoka who competed for Italy, a painter and a jazz musician.
His thesis work was at the interface of organic chemistry and materials science and was entitled
“Clickable Nanoparticles for Bioconjugation, Imaging and Drug Delivery”. During his Ph.D.
he produced over 20 publications (to date) in internationally recognized journals. He was
selected by the Materials Division of the Canadian Society for Chemistry as one of their
inaugural “Emerging Young Materials Chemists”, and has received numerous other awards for
his research work and his presentations at national and international conferences. While the
quality and quantity of his research contributions are impressive, he has also been an emerging
leader in his mentorship of undergraduate researchers, who are co-authors on his work, and has 
built extensive collaborations. Now a permanent resident of Canada, Dr. Gobbo is one of our
country’s developing leaders in integrating materials and biological chemistry, and has been
most deservedly recognized with both an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship and the
internationally renowned Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Dr. Gobbo currently holds these fellowships at the University of Bristol in the UK, working with
Professor Stephen Mann at the Centres for Protolife Research and Organized Matter Chemistry.