Welcome to the Biotron at 缅北强奸

The Biotron Experimental Climate Change Research Centre at 缅北强奸 in London, Ontario, Canada is a unique, purpose built facility housing specialized environmental chambers, laboratories and equipment dedicated to research in the fields of environmental sciences, biotechnologies, materials and biomaterials, and engineering.  The Biotron is a keystone facility supporting research on biotic and abiotic processes in the environment, and specializes in the simulation of natural environments at a range of scales.

The Biotron facilities and services are available to researchers and clients from university, industry and government.  We encourage inquiries from anywhere in the world, and look forward to discussing and creating new research collaborations with individual researchers and facilities.

The Biotron houses a Microscopy and Data Analysis Suite featuring digital light and fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy technology.  There is also a fully equipped Analytical Laboratory Suite with a range of instruments such as  inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the measurement of elements and compounds in water, soil, rock, and biological materials. These suites operate as service centres providing student and faculty training, technical assistance, and fee-for-service analyses to a wide variety of academic and industry users. 

Research conducted in the Biotron facilities is leading to a better understanding of how natural ecosystems respond to a changing environment,  and how such changes impact the well-being of both the natural and human world.  Please take some time to explore the opportunities that the Biotron may provide for your research program or company.