
The International Centre for Olympic Studies

The International Centre for Olympic Studies, founded in 1989, is a research, resource, and service facility located in the Arthur & Sonia Labatt Health Sciences Building, at the University of 缅北强奸 Ontario, London, Canada. The Centre’s purpose is to encourage, generate, and disseminate scholarship on a broad range of social and cultural themes related to the Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games, and the Olympic Movement. It seeks to do this through several initiatives.

First, the Centre annually publishes the scholarly journal, Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies.

Second, in every Olympic year (biennially) the Centre organizes and stages an international symposium for Olympic Research, the Proceedings of which are published.

Third, the Centre sponsors guest lectures on Olympic themes, the most important of which are the annual Crocker, Zeigler, and Ioannides Lectures.

Fourth, in its Arthur & Sonia Labatt Health Sciences Building Research Facility (Room 317), the Centre maintains resources and facilities for the use of visiting scholars worldwide, as well as for researchers at the University of 缅北强奸 Ontario.

Lastly, the Centre maintains an active schedule of public media interventions related to topical Olympic issues.